Derry James-Tannariello, DMin BCC is Board Certified with the Association of Professional Chaplains. Derry carries a Doctor of Ministry specializing in Christian Counseling, a Masters of Divinity, a MA in Christian Psychology, a BA in Religion, and a BS in both Personal Ministries and Psychology. She was awarded VIP Woman of the Year from the National Association of Professional Women.
Derry is a sought-after National and International speaker and teacher and has been a guest on TV and radio, addressing chaplaincy and spiritual growth. She is known for her compassionate heart, humor and life-changing inspirational stories of faith.
Please visit this link for a list of seminars and workshop topics presented by Derry.
If you would like to invite Derry to speak at your event, workshop or organization, please contact her at [email protected] or call (603) 232-8497 to reserve your date.