Partaker’s of the Divine Nature of God

According to our Bible, the way we can become partakers of the divine nature is through the promises of God’s word. There are over 7000 of them. Anyone can learn to know which promise is applicable, then claim it, and appropriate it in daily living. You can then have the entire power and resources of heaven at your disposal to help you live the kind of life Christ wants you to live. That’s what Christianity is all about. This is what the gospel message is all about—to become partakers of the divine nature.

In your study of Growing in the “YES” of God, you will not only learn how to live a victorious Christian life, how to be successful in soul winning and counseling, but how to have peace of mind. In short you will learn how to take God at his word.

Growing in the YES of God is available in hard copy and in several eBook formats. Follow the links  on my Books by Derry page