Begin claiming promises for personal needs as part of your daily prayer time. You may find it beneficial to keep track of the problems and promises. We suggest using the “Record of Experiences” sheet at the end of Lesson One and throughout the Book. This will give you the opportunity at a later time to look back and see the blessings of answered prayers.
It is important to pray the promises set out in God’s Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the promises you need and to guide your thoughts as you record your personal promises for your life matters. These are some of His promises you can use for your own daily problems of life:
For forgiveness of sin 1 John 1:9
For the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23
For instruction and guidance by God Psalm 32:8-11
For peace of mind Isaiah 26:3
For your own personal needs Philippians 4:19
For heaven’s windows to be opened Malachi 3:10-12
For Divine wisdom James 1:5-8
James 1:5-8 may also be used for wisdom to find a particular promise to fit your need. While there are over 7000 promises found in the Bible, a list, though not exhaustive, of promises can be found in Appendix of the Book and on the Resources page of the website.