Matthew 14:23 “He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.”
Just as Jesus found it absolutely necessary to spend time with His Father, so must we. Be purposeful to find that sacred time alone with God – to be in His presence, to hear His heart for you. These are several Devotional Time Ideas.
Guideline for Being in God’s Presence (Karen Cress)
1. Let the Lord awaken you each morning.
2. Remember the purpose is to have a relationship, not just a procedure.
3. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your devotions.
4. Keep a journal. Write verses in red and personal comments in blue. (optional)
5. Have a regular time and place for study.
Four Ways to Make Jesus First in Your Life (Ann Ortland)
1. Practice His presence by a deliberate act of your will.
2. Continually withdraw to be with the Father.
3. Learn to truly worship the Lord.
4. Always tell Him “YES”. Always surrender to His will.
Keep a Journal using “ACTS” (Ann Ortland)
A – Adoration
C – Confession
T – Thanksgiving
S – Supplication